

篇名 國小校長競值領導效能評估、360度回饋態度與行為改變意圖關係之研究
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationships among Evaluations of Elementary School Principals’ Competing Values Leadership Effectiveness, Attitudes towards 360 Degree Feedback and Their Behavior Change Intentions
作者 鄭彩鳳 、吳慧君
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國小校長競值領導效能評估、360度回饋態度與行為改變意圖的關係。本研究對象共有高雄市87位國小校長,且各透過九人(除校長本身外,共選取教育行政主管人員、校長同儕、校內教師、學生家長等各二人),對校長進行領導效能評估,並將結果回饋給校長,進而對此回饋與領導行為改變意圖之關係做整體性之分析。本研究結論為:一、校長整體領導效能及360度回饋態度屬趨高程度,並有高度領導行為改變意圖;二、校長領導效能趨於穩定控制表現;三、教育行政主管人員對校長領導效能評估最低;四、校長對自我的評估高於他評;五、校長認為教育行政主管人員之評估能力最低;六、自他評一致性在評估回饋態度上無顯著差異;七、對評估者能力知覺、360度回饋態度與校長行為改變意圖具高度相關;八、對評估者能力知覺與360度評估回饋態度會對校長行為意圖改變產生直接影響效果。
英文摘要 This study was to investigate the relationships among the evaluations of    elementary school principals’ competing values leadership effectiveness, attitudes towards 360 degree feedback and their behavior change intentions. The questionnaires were delivered to 87 principals and each should be evaluated by 9 responders including principal itself, and 2 representatives from each cluster: heads of Bureau of Education, principal peers, school teachers, and student’s parents. Finally, principals’ responds to the feedback and their behavior change intentions would be further analyzed. The conclusions were: First, principals showed higher effectiveness, and behaved stablely; Second, head of Bureau of Education evaluated principals the lowest effectiveness; Third, principals’ self-evaluations were higher than other evaluators’; Fourth, principals percepted heads of Department of Education with the lowest evaluation ability; Fifth, there were no differences between consistence of self others’ evaluation and attitudes towards feedback; Sixth, there were high correlations between principals’ leadership behavior change intentions and their perceptions on various evaluators and attitudes towards feedback respectively; Final, both principals’ perceptions on various evaluators and attitudes towards feedback would have direct effect to leadership behavior change intentions.
頁次 177-217
關鍵詞 leadership effectiveness competing values framework behavior change intentions 360 degree feedback 競值架構 領導效能 行為改變意圖 360度回饋 TSSCI
卷期 12:2
日期 200905
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所