

篇名 朱利安比較教育理論與方法評析
並列篇名 A Critical Analysis of Marc-Antoine Jullien’s Comparative Education Methodology
作者 楊深坑
中文摘要 本文旨在透過歷史研究與朱利安主要著作內容之論述分析,探討朱利安比較教育思想形成背景、方法論特色、比較教育學術活動及其對當代比較教育之影響。朱利安的比較教育思想孕育自啟蒙運動的科學精神及人道理想。貴族的家庭背景、豐富的政治、外交及學術活動經驗,促進其比較教育理論之成熟。方法論上,取法比較解剖學,透過比較方法建立嚴格確實的教育科學。就比較教育實務而言,朱利安主張組織國際組織與學術社團,共同合作研究,發行國際期刊。不管理論或實務,朱利安對於比較教育之影響均極深遠。進入廿一世紀,比較教育研究雖受方法論多元主義之挑戰,但朱利安所揭比較教育知識核心及其透過比較教育,促進國際合作,互尊互重,以達全人類幸福之理想,仍為比較教育學術界共信共守的基本理念。
英文摘要 Through historical approach and textual discourse analysis, this paper offers a critical analysis of Marc-Antoine Jullien’s theory and practice of comparative education. Against the Enlightenment and French Revolutionary background, Jullien formulated his humanitarian educational ideal and positivistic model for comparative educational research. Taking comparative anatomy as a paradigm, Jullien attempted to construct a rigorous educational science through observation and experimentation. He proposed that data collection in the field of comparative education be facilitated via a series of questionnaires of his own design and a special committee, to be composed of experts from various countries. Jullien also suggested international conferences and journals for the exchange of research results, and the accumulation of educational information as a field of reference for the formulating of educational reform policy in various countries. In spite of a certain deficiency in his methodology, Jullien has exerted a very great influence on today’s discipline of comparative education.
頁次 13-32
關鍵詞 朱利安 比較教育 方法論 Marc-Antoine Jullien de Paris comparative education methodology data collection educational reform policy information exchange TSSCI
卷期 50:2
日期 200510
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學