

篇名 知識經濟及其對教育影響的省思
並列篇名 The Knowledge-based Economy and the Reflection in Education Influence
作者 王瑞壎(Wang, Juei-hsin)
中文摘要 本文探討二直世紀重要的議題「知識經濟」,及其對國家、組織及教育造成的影響。首先,了解知經濟在臺灣政策執行方向,並從知識經濟的形成及重要性探索經濟型態與觀點的演變。本文從OECD有關知識理論的定義、指標的建構、知工作者的意義等向度,闡明知識經濟的意涵。其次,從一些國家的知經濟策略,歸納出七種作法。最後,提出知識經濟對教育領的省思,包:配合經建會「知識經濟發展方案」的推動、增進網路型態學習中心功能及加強資訊科技的教育應用、增進彈性變通的教育制度與強調多元智豐的教學課程、加強終身教育及高等教育的推動、促進教育朝向國際化目標方向發展、重視產學合作與科際整合之研究發展等,以為因應知識經濟時代之參考。
英文摘要 ‘The knowledge-based economy’ is an important issue in the 21st century and has great impacts on countries, organizations, and education. This paper is first to understand the direction of policy implementing in Taiwan and inquire the patterns of the knowledge-based economy and examine the change of the economic perspectives. Next to the discussion, the paper focuses on the meaning of the knowledge-based economy form the OECD definition, the construction of indicators, and the meaning of the knowledge worker. Then, the author generalizes seven approaches form the strategies of the several countries and addresses some reflection on education. There are six reflections in this paper:(1)Implementing the Projects of Knowledge-Based Economy by the Council for Economic Planning and Development.(2)Enactment of the function of the Internet Learning Center and application of the communication technology in education.(3)Accelerating the flexible education institution and the instruction of multi-intelligence curriculum.(4)Increase of the education for all and higher education.(5)Fulfilling the development of international goals.(6)cooperating the firms with academy and cultivate the interdisciplinary research.Finally, the author gives some conclusions in this paper.
頁次 40-61
關鍵詞 知識經濟 知識工作者 知識經濟發展方案 Knowledge-based economy Knowledge worker Projects of the knowledge-based economy TSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200202
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所