

篇名 美國大學產學合作研究發展之實施現況及其對我國之啟示
並列篇名 The Current Implementation of the Industry-University Research Collaboration in America and Its Implications for Taiwan
作者 簡惠閔(Chien, Hui-min)
中文摘要 知識經濟時代來臨使得企業之研發需求增加,為持續提升產品、技術與服務之品質,企業注意到大學校院擁有豐富之研發人才與資源,如何透過產學合作使企業與學校共同成長,此已成為各國關注之議題。美國自八○年代即以杜拜法案開始積極鼓勵產學合作,至今已有豐沛之經濟效益出現,產學兩方共創雙贏,並有效提升國家競爭力。本文以美國產學合作研究發展之實施現況為主題進行探討,分別就美國政府推動產學合作研究發展之相關法令與政策、產學合作研究發展實施方式、運作實例及推動之障礙與困難等四方面予以分析。最後,根據美國之實施現況提出我國推動大學校院產學合作之具體建議。
英文摘要 The coming of knowledge-based economy era brings up the demand of R&D increases in enterprises. To continue the improvement of quality regarding products, technology and service, enterprises have noticed that universities contain rich R & D talent and resources. Industry-university research collaboration (IURC) has become a major national interest. Since the pass of Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, the United States has been aggressively encouraging industry-university research collaboration, and the vast economic benefit has been viewed; therefore, it has created a win-win situation for both industries and universities, and it effectively raises the nation’s competitiveness. The purposes of this paper are to analyze the current implementation of the industry-university research collaboration in America and to provide specific suggestions for the university-industry research collaboration in Taiwan.
頁次 31-67
關鍵詞 產學合作 產學合作研究發展 美國高等教育 Industry and education cooperation Industry-university research collaboration American advanced education TSSCI
卷期 10:2
日期 200705
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所