

篇名 远程教育机构中知识有用性和可获得性的研究
並列篇名 Research of Knowledge’s Access and Utility in Distance Education Institution
作者 穆肃
中文摘要 远程教育机构开展知识管理要以其各类工作人员对知识有用性的认识和可获得性情况为基础。本研究采用直觉反应式问卷调查法,对中国三所远程教育机构的工作人员及学习者就以上两方面的内容进行了调查。调查数据显示,各类人员对知识有用性评价的高低取决于知识与他们的工作、学习和个人发展的紧密程度,而获得知识的难易程度与他们工作职位有明显关系。
英文摘要 Knowledge management of distance education institute bases on staff’s view of utility and access of knowledge. Through intuitive─reaction questionnaire investigation, this research investigates three China’s distance education institutions on utility and access of knowledge. Based on the data coming from the investigation, it concludes that different kinds of staff’s views of knowledge’s utility relate with their daily grind and personal development closely and there is obvious difference on assess of knowledge different type of staff.
頁次 71-76
關鍵詞 access of knowledge utility of knowledge distance education institute knowledge management 知识可获得性 知识有用性 远程教育机构 知识管理 CSSCI
卷期 14:4
日期 200808
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學