

篇名 论少数民族地区跨文化教师的培养
並列篇名 On Preparing Inter ─ Cultural Teachers in Minority Areas
作者 孟凡丽
中文摘要 作为少数民族地区的教师,无论是哪一个民族都应该成为跨文化教师,具有相应的跨文化知识、教育教学能力。少数民族地区教师教育应体现多元文化教育理念,将培养跨文化教师作为培养目标的重要组成部分,并在课程设置和实践教学上加以落实。
英文摘要 As teachers working in minority areas, whichever nationality they are, they should become inter─cultural teachers who have inter─cultural knowledge and the capacity on teaching. Therefore, teacher education in minority areas should embody the inter─cultural concepts, take the preparation of inter─cultural teachers as a major part of teaching aims, and fulfill the concepts and aims in curriculum and teaching practice.
頁次 12-16
關鍵詞 少数民族地区 inter─cultural teachers minority areas 跨文化教师 CSSCI
卷期 19:3
日期 200705
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心