

篇名 「文氣與聲律」
並列篇名 Force and Rhythm of Writing
作者 朱榮智
中文摘要 文气的涵义,一方面是指作者的性情、才学,透过文学的表达,所能显现出来的艺术形貌,一方面则是指文学作品所能反映出来的作者生命形相。文气与文章声律的关系,非常密切,因为文章的创作,是作者生命力的表现,而作者表现其生命力的方式,是指文章中声律的变化。文字是声音的符号,文字记载抑扬抗坠的声音节奏,而有长短不齐的句式,和平仄、清浊不同的文词。文章的美,在于情韵的表达,而情韵的表达,就在声音节奏的变化。本篇论文的重点,在探讨如何从字句抓住声音节奏,如何从声音节奏中,体会作品的神气。
英文摘要 Force of writing can either refer .to the artistic presentation of the writer's character and talent through words , or the philosophy of life reflected in the literary works. This force is usually closely related with the rhythm pattern of the works, for the creation of literature is the embodyment of the writer's manipulation of words as well as his arrangement of rhythm. If viewed from the perspective of the law of sounds, force of wiriting can mean the arrangement of rhythm. Since written words are the semiotic expressions of sounds, writers can create literary works of various styles by producing sounds of different tones and sentences of all lengths.Works of literature are evaluted by the way the writers' pathos is revealed, and this can be best achieved by manipulating the rhythm pattern. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to first explore how readers can catch the rhythm of literary works and, then, sympathize with what the writers want to convey.
頁次 235-257
卷期 33:1
日期 1988
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學