

篇名 體育史學問題的研究
並列篇名 A Research on the Problems in Physical Education History
作者 樊正治
中文摘要 在「重科技,轻人文。」的今日,史学研究被认为缺乏「信度及效度」的数据证明,于是史学研究成为现在学术研究中的无用学科,并在乏人研究、少人问津的现实中,发生「门前冷落车马稀」的断层现象。体育史学研究系史学研究的一支,尤其呈现「前无古人,后无来者。」的窘境。今述其研究摘要的标题如下;以侍其人。一、缘起二、引言三、史学问题四、体育史学问题五、中国体育史学问题六、结语
英文摘要 Nowadays, the researchers and the scholars of the Physical Education commonly assume some suspecitions of the confidence and efficiency of the history of the Physical Education. Even though,some of the researchers consider it is a waste of time and human effort to eng-age in historical research of physical education.For this purpose, I decide to do the analysis of the problems in the researches of the history of physi-cal education. I attempt to make the response to the researchers and the scholars in the field of the physical education in order to emphasize these problems for furtherly gaining the common decisions and ideas for the research problems. In this case, I choose this important topic to write this paper.The main ideas and points are following.1.Originality.2.Introductions.3.The Problems of the History.4.The Problems of the History of Pysical Education.5.The problems of the Chinese History of the Physical Education.6.Conclusions.
頁次 1-21
卷期 33:1
日期 1988
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學