

篇名 《教育杂志》与我国对教师专业化问题的早期探索
並列篇名 The Chinese Educational Review and the Earlier Research on Teacher Professionalization in China
作者 王有亮
中文摘要 从《教育杂志》反映的情况来看,我国至少在20世纪20年代就提出了教师专业化问题。我国学者在20世纪40年代曾积极活跃在国际教育舞台上,并两次率先在国际教育大会上提出制定《世界教师专业道德规约》和《国际教师宪章》这些旨在促进教师专业化的重要提案并被大会采纳。这是中国对于世界教师专业化进程做出的重要贡献。当在国内进行的教师专业化的一系列探索和实践也值得称道。我国在20世纪20─40年代对教师专业化进行的理论探索和实践是我国目前探讨教师专业化问题的重要财富,值得深入挖掘和批判继承。
英文摘要 According to The Chinese Education Review, teacher professionalization was first put forward in 1920’s and scholars in China were very active on the international education stage in 1940's. They, for two times, suggested the establishment of World Teachers’ Professional Ethics Regulations and International Charter of Teachers at the international education convention in order to promote teacher professionalization. Fortunately, their suggestions were adopted, which was china’s important contribution to the process of teacher professionalization in the world. The theoretical research and practice at that time are of great significance for the present study and are worthy of further discussion and critical acceptance.
頁次 50-53
關鍵詞 International Charter of Teacher World Teachers’ Professional Ethics Regulations Chang Daozhi teacher professionalization The Chinese Education Review 国际教师宪章 世界教师专业道德规约 常道直 教师专业化 教育杂志 CSSCI
卷期 20:1
日期 200801
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心