

篇名 社區大學轉型區域性終身教育中心之芻議
並列篇名 The Discussion of Community University Transformed into Regional Lifelong Education Center
作者 蕭佳純(Hsiao, Chia-chun)
中文摘要 我國社區大學的設立為台灣終身教育的提倡與學習社會的建構提供一個改革藍圖,並具體在各縣市逐漸蔓延。本文所提之區域性終身教育中心的設立,以滿足社區民眾的學習需求為首要,並促進社區發展為優先,其願景則在於建立一個終身學習的社會,讓社區大學成為終身學習資源體系的領導角色。重要的是,社區大學目前在台灣極為普遍,提供民眾一個終身學習的場所,若能賦予社區大學更多責任,強化社區大學功能,相信將能更加速台灣學習社會建構的理想完成。因此本研究提出將社區大學轉型為區域性終身教育中心的構想,期能喚起更多專家學者的討論與參與。本研究首先進行現況分析,瞭解目前我國推動終身教育的困境,以及社區大學的發展現況與困境;續進行比較分析,目的在瞭解本研究為何建議選擇社區大學轉型成立該中心,而在比較時分為兩部分:第一,本研究將社區大學與國內、外類似機構做一討論;第二,以SWOT分析,瞭解社區大學成立該中心的優、劣勢。根據上述分析結果,本研究提出相關配套措施與具體作法,包括前置作業、具體架構,以及配套措施,其中配套措施包含該中心的任務為角色與功能、經營管理(包含資源籌措)、學習基地、學習指導中心、種子教師培訓與教材開發,以及學習成就認證。最後,本研究根據上述論述結果提出結語與建議。
英文摘要 The establishment of community university in Taiwan can serve as a blueprint to the reform of lifelong learning society as they gradually spreading in many counties or areas. A regional lifelong education center is an organization that bears the mission to satisfy the learning needs of its residents and to promote community development. Its goal is to build up a lifelong learning society and it can achieve this goal by making the community universities to be the leading role in the education resources. The widespread community universities in Taiwan can provide a good learning place for public. If they can play more functions and carry more responsibilities, it will be easier and quicker to realize an ideal lifelong learning society. This research will suggest an idea of community universities evolving to be the regional lifelong education center and to raise more discussions from public regarding this issue. This research will first analyze current situation to know the obstacles encountered from promoting the lifelong education and developing colleges. And then do a comparative analysis to study the reason of suggesting community colleges to transform to regional lifelong education centers. The comparative part is divided into two sections: one is the comparison of universities in Taiwan and similar oversea organizations; the other is to realize the advantages and disadvantages of community colleges acting as regional education center. As the result of the two comparisons above, this research offers practical methods, including preparation steps, core procedures and complementary measures. The complementary measures include operation management, fund-raise campaign, instructor training, teaching material design and certificates granting.
頁次 83-111
關鍵詞 社區大學 區域性終身教育中心 終身教育 Community university Lifelong education Regional lifelong education center TSSCI
卷期 11:3
日期 200808
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所