

篇名 美国教师教育发展的问题之争及其启示
並列篇名 The Dispute and Its Implications in the Development of Teacher Education in the US
作者 朱家存 、辛治洋
中文摘要 美国教师教育的发展伴随着问题的争论,这些争论渉及到两大根本问题:在培养目标上,话题已经由多元文化教师转到反思性教师的培养上;在课程设置上,”学科教学知识”的理念开始逐歩取代学科中心主义的基本主张。在美国教师教育研究的争论中,课程设置之争也是学科地位之争和学科利益之争;这种争论建立在理性对话的基础上;有了理性对话,教师教育的培养目标就能在理想与现实间寻求妥善的安置。
英文摘要 The development of teacher education in the US is accompanied by debating on related issues. These disputes involve two fundamental issues. In the aspect of training objectives, the topic has shifted from “multi─cultural teachers” into “the training of reflective teachers”. In the aspect of curriculum, the concept of teaching knowledge began to replace the basic ideas of subject─centered theory. The dispute on curriculum is in fact the dispute on the status and interest of the subject. This debate is based on the rational dialogue, in which the training objectives of teacher education will be able to find a proper resettlement between the ideal and the reality.
頁次 57-62
關鍵詞 teaching knowledge subject─centered theory reflective teachers multi─cultural teachers teacher education the US 学科教学知识 学科中心主义 反思性教师 多元文化教师 教师教育 美国 CSSCI
卷期 30:11
日期 200811
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所