

篇名 论新课程改革的「软着陆」
並列篇名 The
作者 查有梁
中文摘要 新课程改革需要「软着陆」,是指课改的进程要减慢速度,课改的实施要稳步成功。钟启泉教授的一篇对新课程改革的总结性《对话》提出的一系列观点,都不利于课程改革的「软着陆」,是对课程改革的误导。这些误导表现出了西方后现代理论在中国课程改革中的一种思潮。新课程改革如何「软着陆」,这需要以「科学发展观」为指导。
英文摘要 That the new curriculum reform needs soft landing means that the reform process must be slowed down; and the reform must be implemented steadily to ensure its success. The standpoints held by Professor Zhong Qi-quan in his article Dialogue are against the "soft landing" of the curriculum reform, and will mislead the reform. The misleading reflects a trend of thought of western post-modernism theories in China's curriculum reform. How should the new curriculum reform be "soft landed" should be guided by the "scientific development view”.
頁次 16-23
關鍵詞 课程改革 软着陆 误导 Curriculum reform Soft landing Misleading CSSCI
卷期 3:2
日期 200704
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學