

篇名 新课程实施中数学教师关注阶段研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Stages of Concerns of Mathematics Teachers in the Implementation of New Curriculum
作者 彭爱辉
中文摘要 教师是课程改革方案的最终实施者和使用者,教师的支持是课程改革成功的一个关键因素。通过对现有理论的分析,我们以「关注为本采用模式」(CBAM)为基础,对欧美较为成熟的关注阶段问卷进行了一定的修改,调查了新课程实施中西南地区238名小学数学教师的关注阶段。研究结果表明:小学数学教师主要处于CBAM的任务关注阶段;不同教龄组的教师在关注阶段上有显著差异,而农村和城市地区的教师在关注阶段上并未呈现显著差异。
英文摘要 Teachers are the ultimate administer and user of the project of curriculum reform, and teachers' support is a key factor determining the success of curriculum reform. Based on the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM), with an adaptation of the Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ), a comparatively mature questionnaire that is popular in Europe and America, the study identified and examined the stages of concerns of 238 primary school mathematics teachers in Southwest China in the recent implementation of a new mathematics curriculum. The results indicate that: the concerns of teachers largely focus on the task stage of the CBAM model; there are significant differences in the stages of concerns of teachers of different school ages, while teachers in rural schools and those in urban schools do not present such significant differences.
頁次 64-69
關鍵詞 课程改革 教师关注 关注为本采用模式(CBAM) Curriculum reform Teachers' concerns CBAM CSSCI
卷期 3:3
日期 200706
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學