

篇名 省域教育现代化战略的政策分析:以1978-2008年的广东为例
並列篇名 Policy Analysis on the Modernization Strategy of Provincial Education: A case Study of Guangdong Province from 1978 to 2008
作者 陈伟
中文摘要 近三十年间,广东教育成功实现了从「教育强省」向「教育现代化」的战略调整,较好地应对了广东经济率先发展但教育相对滞后的剪刀差,实现了广东教育发展战略的转换与升级。为了提高教育发展的实践成效,广东非常有必要协调教育现代化普遍规律与特殊省情之间的关系,重视教育投入、教育质量、教育公平等关键性问题。
英文摘要 In last thirties years, Guangdong education has successfully upgraded its development strategy from “a province with strong education” to “a province with modernization education”, closing the scissors difference between the strong economy and weak education of Guangdong. For the sake of putting the strategy upgrading into effect, Guangdong should take attention to the harmony between the general rules and special provincial situation, and energetically resolve the issues concerning education input, education quality and education equity.
頁次 30-33
關鍵詞 广东教育 发展战略 教育强省 教育现代化 Guangdong education Development strategy Province with strong education Province with modernization education CSSCI
卷期 6:2
日期 200803
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學