

篇名 文化境遇与家园守望:一位苗族女教师的执着与困惑
並列篇名 Cultural Circumstances and Indigenous Custodianship:The Perseverance and Perplexities of A Miao Woman Teacher
作者 徐莉
中文摘要 生活在偏僻山的少数民族女教师在追求职业理想过程中遭遇了前所未有的文化困境与迷茫。通过对广西融水苗族自治县女教师的调查发现,少数民族女教师发展的心路历程不仅透露出传统文化在教师发展历程中的印痕,更显现出当下跨文化语境业偏僻山乡的震荡以及由此带来的教师主观文化体验的流转起伏,从而折射出文化境遇对一个教师的教育信念与心灵归宿产生的巨大影响。
英文摘要 This essay presents a narrative account of an ordinary Miao teacher’s personal and professional development, the tribulations and the perplexities that she has encountered, and the perseverance that she has demonstrated, and the perseverance that she has demonstrated along the path of her growth. What have emerged from her personal life experience and professional development are the traces and marks of traditional culture upon the process of teacher development, the upheaval impacts that the cross-cultural contexts have imposed upon the remote rural areas, and the vicissitudes of subjective cultural convergence and divergence on the part of the teacher herself. All of these can be interpreted as enormous effects the cultural circumstance has thrown on to the educational credence and the instinct conscientiousness of the teachers.
頁次 44-48
關鍵詞 教育文化学 文化境遇 家园守望 教师 Educational culturology Cultural circumstances Indigenous custodianship Teacher CSSCI
卷期 3:6
日期 200712
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學