

篇名 彼得.潘写作:作为教育思想的少儿文学
並列篇名 The Writing of Peter Pan: Chilren’s Literature as a Kind of Educational Thought
作者 贺晓星 、李黎
中文摘要 少儿文学对少年儿童的成长产生着诸多的影响,在这个意义上说它涉及到教育,但问题不在于作者是如何看待少儿文学发挥怎样的教育作用的,而是以如此这般形式呈现的少儿文学文本,为我们理解教育提供了怎样的视角。在此,教育不是一个「应该这样必须那样」的问题,而是一个「还可以这样或那样」的问题。本文具体通过对梅子涵少儿文学在写作风格上的特色以及写作风格与写作内容间背离现象的解读,对成长、成熟、社会化、教育等既有观念提出社会学的反思。
英文摘要 Children’s literature has strong impacts on its audience’s development, in this sense, it is related to education. However, what matters is not how the author understands the educational influence of children’s literature; but what kind of perspective it brings us to help to understand education. Here, education is not an issue of “should or must be” but an issue of “could be”. In this paper, the author makes a sociological reflection on the current concepts of “development”, “maturation”, “socialization” and “education” by interpreting the feature of the writing style of Mei Zihan’s works and the contradiction between his writing style and content.
頁次 43-54
關鍵詞 教育社会学 彼得.潘写作 成长 社会化 制度 游戏 Education sociology The writing of peter pan development Socialization Istitution Game CSSCI
卷期 2:2
日期 200604
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學