

篇名 改革开放30年:研究生教育发展中的关系大调整
並列篇名 30 Years of Reform and Opening up: Great Adjustment of Relation in Graduate Education Development
作者 程斯辉
中文摘要 首先是在宏观层面对研究生育管理主体的关系进行调整,继而在微观层面就研究生培养过稿中主体系进行协调;先是对研究究生育发展中的诸多关系进行制度确认,继而对及主体利益的关系进行重新建构。这是改革开放30年间研究生教育发展的一种运行轨迹,其中我国研究生教育管理机构在调整关系的过程中将「自己」作为改革的对象,不断革自己的「命」,对保证研究生教育改革的顺利进行了重要的作用。当前研究生教育的发展已进入相关主体利益调整的关键时期,有关研究生育主体树立正确的关系观对于促进研究生教育又好又快的发展至关重要。
英文摘要 While tracking the development of graduate education in the past 30 years since reform and opening up, it is not difficult for us to notice two changes. One is that both the relation of management body at macro level and the relation of stakeholders at micro level are greatly adjusted; The other is that institutions regulating various relations comes first soon followed by reconstruction of relations involved with individual benefits. and management body of graduate education put itself as the object of reforms in the process of relationship adjustment, which has helped guaranteeing the graduate education reforms going on smoothly. At present, the development of graduate education has entered critical stage of adjustment. It is very important to us establish a view of correct relationship in order to better development of our graduate education.
頁次 5-9
關鍵詞 改革开放30年 教育改革 研究生教育 关系调整 CSSCI
卷期 6:3
日期 200805
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學