

篇名 大学学术越轨的制度分析
並列篇名 System Analysis on Academic Misconduct in University
作者 王恩华
中文摘要 学术越轨从制度视角看有以下几个方面的原因:重视道德自律与忽视制度约束的文化传统,规范学者行为的制度存在着问题,缺陷或制度稀缺,制度失败等,制度变迁是解决问题的根本途径。
英文摘要 Academic misconduct has been caused by the following factors from the system view: the cultural traditions of attaching much attention on moral autonomy while neglecting restraints through establishment, as well as the lack of systems which preoscribe the standands of academic behaviors. Therefore, a fundamental changes of the systems can be considered as an only way to solve these problems.
頁次 38-43
關鍵詞 学术越轨 大学 制度分析 CSSCI
卷期 4:4
日期 200607
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學