

篇名 座位的潜课程意义──中小学生座位体验研究
並列篇名 The Significance of Seat Experience as Hidden Curriculum
作者 朱光明
中文摘要 [中文摘要]
英文摘要 With the re-understanding of curriculum conception, the school curriculum is considered as the whole life experience of students at school, and thus the seat experience of elementary and secondary school students in daily classroom life is regarded as a part of hidden curriculum at school., Through the description and analysis of students’ seat experience from the perspective of phenomenology, this paper aims to show the significance of seat experience to students in five themes, i. e. the seat as student’s “home” in classroom, the relations between students, between students and teachers, the identification experience, and the study environment. It has been found that the arrangement of students’ seats does not simply concern rules or equity. What is the most important is that educations need to understand the significance of seat experience for individual students and take suitable and tactful actions accordingly.
頁次 22-28
關鍵詞 学校环境 潜课程 「家」 同学关系 师生关系 认同体验 学习环境 School environment Hidden curriculum, “Home”, Relation between students Relation between students and teachers Identification experience Learning environment CSSCI
卷期 2:6
日期 200612
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學