

篇名 瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院研究生教育的调研与思考
並列篇名 Investigation and Reflection on Graduate Studies in Karolinska Institute
作者 汪玲 、吴海鸣 、包一敏 、顾云深
中文摘要 卡罗林斯卡学院是欧洲一流的医科大学,以国际领先的科研水平和评审颁发诺贝尔生理学或医学奖闻名于世。学院的核心任务是”致力于通过研究、教育和信息共享来全面提高人类的健康水平”。在追求卓越的过程中,卡罗林斯卡学院将博士生培养和医学科研工作紧密结合,对全体博士生提供强有力的研究生资助体系。为选拔优质生源,在招生时,引入独具特色的研究生准备期;并重视发挥导师在研究生年度考评、中期检查、学位论文公示和公开答辩等过程中的作用。
英文摘要 Karolinska Institute (KI) is one of the leading medical universities in Europe, known for its cutting─edge research of the highest international standards. In 1895 KI was appointed to decide who was to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine. KI’s mission is to improve the health of mankind through research, education and information. KI emphasizes quality in research and education and makes sure that the research training can offer postgraduate students opportunities to take part in advanced research and to receive a study grant or a doctoral studentship. KI introduces a two─stage selection system. Firstly, a supervisor and a suitable postgraduate applicant draw up an individual study plan proposal. Secondly, the head of department makes a selection via the Admissions Board. The main supervisor is responsible for making sure that the annual review;the half─time control and thesis defense exam are planned and completed in relation to the student’s time schedule.
頁次 76-78
關鍵詞 卡罗林斯卡学院 研究生教育 医学科研 Karolinska Institute postgraduate studies medical research CSSCI
卷期 5:3
日期 200705
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學