

篇名 论中国近代特殊教育的发端
並列篇名 On the Starting of Special Education in Modern China
作者 郭卫东
中文摘要 特殊教育是世界入近世以后,人类文明形态进步的一大表征。基督教新教传教士在中国近代特殊教育发展历程中实为前驱先路。先是,普鲁士传教士郭士立(Charles Gutzlaff)夫妇创「澳门女塾」,部分以盲女为教学对象;继而,是英国传教士威廉.穆瑞(William Murray)于1874年在北京建瞽叟通文馆,开启近代中国正规盲教育的门扉;再有,是美国传教士梅理士(Charles Rogers Mills)夫妇于1887年在登州设聋哑学校,创中国最早的近代聋哑教育机构。自此,将一种全新的教育观念和模式,将近代特殊教育的方法和手段引入世界上残障人数最多的国度。
英文摘要 Special education is a great token of the modern civilization of mankind. Protestant missionaries are actually the forerunners in the development of special education in modern China. First, Prussian evangelist Charles Gutzlaff and his wife founded Macao Girls' School, which recruited blind girls as part of its students; then, English missionary William Murray established the Murray's School for the Blind in Beijing in 1874, which opened the door of the formal education of the blind in modern China; later, American missionary Charles Rogers Mill and his wife founded Tengchow School for Chinese Deaf Children, which is the earliest educational institution for the deaf and the dumb. Since then, a brand new education concept and mode and the method and approach of modern special education had been introduced in the country with the largest number of disabled people.
頁次 91-96
關鍵詞 特殊教育 中国近代 发端 Special education Modern China Starting CSSCI
卷期 3:3
日期 200706
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學