

篇名 经济因素对个人高等教育选择的影响
並列篇名 The Influence of Economic Factors on Individuals' Choice of Higher Education
作者 王远伟 、高巍
中文摘要 今天的个人高等教育选择中,经济因素所起的作用是否在不断增强,对不同经济背景的受教育者是否产生着分化作用,从而对个人接受高等教育的公平性产生负面影响,进而对未来社会的阶层分布和贫富分化产生着负面作用。为了回答上述问题,利用11所高校在校大学生的问卷调查数据进行了实证研究。获得的研究结论是:个人的家庭经济条件对个人的高等教育选择行为具有显著影响,我国目前的高等教育规模的扩大更有利于经济富裕家庭的子女;高等教育与个人未来收入均等化存在非一致性和确定性,使得个体人力资本投资具有差异性;个人接受高等教育需要付出很高的费用,因此,限制了他们的选择行为。对此,提出建立对经济贫困家庭和较低社会阶层家庭子女接受高等教育的专项资金转移支付制度;国家和政府加大对第二、三层次高校的教育投资;对民办性质高校和高等职业学院制订专门法律,明确规定他们招收低收入或较低社会阶层家庭子女的入学人数比例等相应对策。
英文摘要 Today, whether the economic factors' influence on individuals' choice of higher education is strengthening, differentiating the students from different economic background, and thus making negative influence on the justice of individuals' higher education choice, the social stratum distribution and the differentiation of the poor and the rich? In order to answer these questions, the author analyzed the questionnaires distributed to the students in 11 higher educational institutions. The result shows that individuals’ economic backgrounds have great impact on their choice of higher education and the current expansion of higher education is more favorable to the individuals from rich families; there is no consistency or definitude between higher education and the equalization of individuals’ future income, which leads to the difference in the investment in individual human capital; individuals have to pay high fees for higher education, and thus their choices are restricted, Based on these factors, this article suggests that a transferring payment system with special funds should be created to support individuals from lower social stratum and families with financial difficulties; the governments should invest more in the higher institutions at two and three levels; special laws should be constituted for the private and vocational colleges and present corresponding solutions by prescribing items like the enrolment proportion of individuals recruited from lower income families or lower social stratum.
頁次 83-91
關鍵詞 教育经济学 经济因素 个人高等教育选择 影响作用 Educational economics Economic factors Individuals' choice of higher education Influence CSSCI
卷期 3:4
日期 200708
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學