

篇名 论雷通对教育社会学中国化问题的探讨
並列篇名 On the Works of LEI Tong-qun on Education Sociology
作者 胡金平
中文摘要 雷通群是中国教育社会学领域中最早提出“中国化”且加以实践的学者。考察其教育社会学方面的著作及其相关论述,他对教育社会学中国化的诉求,与其孜孜追求的科学化、规范化并行不悖。他所理解的“中国化”,并非以争夺学术话语权为动机,杓以改造中国教育为最终目标。他强调中国化的教育社会学,应以中国教育的现实问题为研究对象,以科学化或规范化为实现中国化的必要前提,同时并不排斥对某些西方理论进行中国化改造,且以建构科学化和规范化的中国教育社会学学科体系为重要目标。
英文摘要 LEI Tong-qun is the first scholar to put forward the idea of ’localization’ and carried it intopractice in the domain of education sociology in China. Taking a whole look on his works on education sociology, we find that he has devoted himself to the localization of this subject as well as its standardization. In his opinion, localization does not mean to seek the power of this subject in academy but to improve Chinese education. Therefore, he stressed that Chinese education sociology should have analysis on the problems in reality and be standardized. By referring to some of the western theories, Lei set his goal on establish a scientific and standardized system of Chinese education sociology.
頁次 71-76
關鍵詞 雷通群 教育社会学 中国化 科学化 LEI Tong-qun Education sociology Localization Of science CSSCI
卷期 3:5
日期 200710
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學