

篇名 不同地区教育部直属高校科研效率比较研究
並列篇名 Comparative Study on Scientific Research Efficiency of the Universities Affiliated with Ministry of Education in Different Regions
作者 陆根书 、刘蕾
中文摘要 通过对不同地区54所教育部直属高校在2000-2002年间科学研究效率及其变化趋势的分析,本文发现有46.3%的高校的科研效率有待进一步提高;东部、中部和西部地区高校的科研效率呈现递减趋势,而且不同地区高校的科研效率和规模效率都存在波动,但变化趋势不同。据此,提出了进一步提高高校科研效率,优化区域科研资源配置的措施:第一,应逐步建立基于效率的高校科研资源配置机制,引导高校关注科研活动的投入产出效率;第二,在目前条件下提高高校科研活动的投入产出效率,应以扩大高校科研规模为主,以改善高校科研生产效率及其管理水平为辅;第三,应采取一定宏观调控措施,缩小不同地区高校科研效率的差异。
英文摘要 Based on the comparative study of research efficiency of 54 universities that are affiliated with the Ministry of Education through the year of 2000 to 2002, we find that 46.3% universities should further improve their scientific research efficiency. We also find that the research efficiency of universities in either east, or middle or west went down, but with different trends. According to the results of evaluation, it is necessary to improve the research efficiency of universities and optimize regional resources. Firstly, a system, based on efficiency of research resources allocation should be established in universities so as to make universities pay more attention to the output and input of scientific research. Secondly, improving the efficiency of the output and input of scientific research in current conditions should mainly enlarge the scale of the scientific research and complimentarily improve the production efficiency of scientific research and the level of management as well. Thirdly, some macro-control measures should be adopted shortening the differences on university efficiency scientific research in different regions.
頁次 55-59
關鍵詞 高校 科研效率 区域比较 DEA CSSCI
卷期 4:2
日期 200603
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學