

篇名 「智慧」的心理學研究及其對成人教育的啟示
並列篇名 Research on Wisdom in the Fields of Psychology and Its Implications on Adult Education
作者 盧宸緯
中文摘要 目前國內對智慧的關注焦點多集中於高齡者議題,然而在經驗與歷練逐漸豐富的成年時期,智慧的培養與激發更應受到重視。本文即在探討心理學領域中的智慧研究,並思考其對成人教育的啟示。首先,本文分從隱性理論及顯性理論的取向探討智慧的意義。其次,從個人與社會面向探討可能影響智慧發展的相關因素,包括年齡、性別、智能、人格、創造力、認知風格、經驗、價值觀、工作性質、社會互動及所處的社會環境特質等。最後則提出智慧的心理學研究對成人教育的六項啟示:智慧可透過學習而發展;以智慧作為成人教育的施教重點;營造支持性學習情境,鼓勵成人與他人互動分享;以智慧發展為導向的課程內容;培訓具成人智慧教育專門養成的成人教師;拓展成人智慧的研究面向,作為成人教育方案規劃的參考。
英文摘要 In the past decades, studies on wisdom have been focusing mostly on the elderly. However, with enriching life experiences in adulthood, the development of wisdom should also be valued. This study reviewed research on wisdom in the fields of psychology, and tried to gain insights for adult education. First, the author investigated the definition and the meanings of wisdom from both Implicit-Theoretical Approaches and Explicit-Theoretical Approaches. Second, factors possibly affecting wisdom development were determined by examining age, sex, values, social interactions, and environments.    Finally, this paper suggests possible impacts of the findings of wisdom research on adult education: wisdom can be developed through learning; wisdom may be an emphasis of adult education; providing a supportive learning environment to encourage interactive sharing among adults; designing wisdom-oriented curriculum; broadening research levels on adult wisdom for planning adult education.
頁次 113-140
關鍵詞 智慧 成人教育 智能 情緒智能 wisdom adult education intelligence emotional intelligence
卷期 10
日期 200806
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等