

篇名 试论学生消极自由观的培养
並列篇名 On the Cultivation of Students’ View of Negative Freedom
作者 班建武
中文摘要 消极自由有别于积极自由的核心在于它具有确保个人享有不受外力侵犯而免于奴役地位的防御性功能。这对于市民社会中现代政治文明的发展和个人幸福的实现意义重大。当前学校教育中存在一定程度的学生消极自由遭遇贬损而积极自由过度张扬的现实。学校教育必须从消极自由的路向出发,使其制度建设和职能运转符合权利本位原则、普遍主义原则以及程度正义原则,通过学生消极自由观的形塑以涵养其公民品性。
英文摘要 What makes negative freedom different from positive freedom is that the former has defensive function that guarantees a person not to be enslaved by external forces. It is very important for the development of modern politics civilization and the realization of human happiness. Currently, school education to a certain degree, impinges on the students’ negative freedom while excessively advocates the positive freedom. Basing on the negative freedom, school education must make its system and function conforming to the rights standard principle, the universalism principle as well as the procedure justice principle. School education can cultivate students’ citizen moral character by shaping their negative freedom view.
頁次 32-35
關鍵詞 自由 消极自由 积极自由 freedom negative freedom positive freedom CSSCI
卷期 5:4
日期 200707
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學