

篇名 学习成本与学习收益初探——学生厌学行为的经济学视角
並列篇名 education economics;learning cost;learning benefit;study-weary behavior
作者 杨昭宁
中文摘要 采用经济学的视角,将学习过程与生产过程作模拟,认为学习投资也是一种生产性投资,其中也同样存在着成本效益关系。学习成本过高或学习收益(率)低下的成本──收益对比关系失衡,是学生好学或厌学的原因。降低学习成本和提高学习收益可以作为解决学生厌学行为的策略。通过提高学生学习过程中的主动性、采用多样化教学方法等手段可以有效降低学习的显性成本;适当调整学习结果所带来的经济收益,有助于克服新读书无用论带来的厌学、辍学现象;而挖掘学习所潜存的精神享受、性情陶冶和指导人生等非功利效用,才是最大程度提高学习收益,从根本上消除厌学行为的要旨。
英文摘要 Economically speaking, learning process bears an analogy to production process; and learning investment, which also involves cost-benefit relationship, is a kind of productive investment. That the learning cost is too high or the learning benefit is poor-an unbalance between cost and benefit-can result in students' being weary of study. One possible solution to this is to reduce learning cost and increase learning benefit. The explicit cost of study can be reduced effectively by inspiring students' initiative in their learning process and by adopting varied ways of teaching; adjusting properly the economic benefit from the learning results is helpful to overcome the study-weary or drop-out phenomenon resulted from the new theory of “reading is useless”; and exploring the non-utilitarian effects of study, such as the hidden spiritual enjoyment, moulding temperament and guiding life, is the keystone to increase the learning benefit to the largest extent and eliminate the study-weary behavior radically.
頁次 54-58
關鍵詞 教育经济学 学习成本 学习收益 厌学行为 Education economics Learning cost Learning benefit Study-weary behavior CSSCI
卷期 3:1
日期 200702
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學