

篇名 对波黑医学院校的综合评估
並列篇名 A Comprehensive Assessment of Medical Schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina
作者 Vladimir J. Simunovic 等着 、温世浩 编译
中文摘要 按照国际标准对波黑的5所医学院进行了内部评估和外部评估,参与者包括医学院管理员、教师、学生以及外部评估专家。评估内容包括10个项目:学校宗旨和目标、课程、管理、教师、学生、设施和技术、经费情况、国际关系、内部质量保证和发展规划。结果表明,内部评估中有的学校高估了自己的总体表现,有的学校明显高估或低估自己在某些项目上的表现。评估工作表明,即使在复染和不利的条件下,对医学教育进行建设性的、有组织的评估也是可能的。
英文摘要 All 5 medical schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been conducted both internal and external evaluations. The Participants included managerial staff, teaching staff and students of medial schools, management, staff, students, facilities and technology, financial issues, international relationships, internal quality assurance and development plans as well. The results revealed that some schools overrated their overall functioning, or markedly overrated their performance on some items when they were carrying out internal evaluation. Such practices showed that is is possible to do constructive and structured evaluation of medial education even in difficult and unfavorable conditions.
頁次 89-92
關鍵詞 医学教育 本科 评估 波黑 Medical education Undergraduate evaluation CSSCI
卷期 5:5
日期 200709
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學