

篇名 中国近代大学校长的通识教育理念和实践
並列篇名 Chinese Modern University Presidents' Idea and Practice about General Education
作者 胡莉芳
中文摘要 大学校长乃大学的区纽与灵魂,一批具有现代大学理念和传统学术修养的中国近代大学校长,秉持通识教育理念,并且付诸大学办学实践,对近代以来中国高等教育的发展产生了深远而重要的影响。因此,总结和提炼近代大学校长的通识教育理念和实践,从教育传统中汲取营养,是现阶段把通识教育改革推向深入,提高大学本科教育质量的有益之举。
英文摘要 The presidents, as the principal executive officer of the university, plays a leading role in higher education development. Some university presidents with a view to creating modern university devoted themselves to early practices of general education, which have had a vital impact on the Chinese higher education system in the 20th.century. Therefore, to review those presidents’ idea and practical achievements in developing general education will be very necessary for us to promote general education reforms and improve the quality of undergraduate education.
頁次 19-22
關鍵詞 通识教育 近代大学校长 办学实践 CSSCI
卷期 6:3
日期 200805
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學