

篇名 大學生的學業不誠實行及與其背景時間、運用因素之關係
並列篇名 Academic Dishonesty among College Students and Its Relations to Student's Background and Time Use
作者 謝尚旻 、葉紹國
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解我國大學生的學業不誠實行為,並分析其與背景、時間運用因素之間的關係。自編的「大學生學習與考試行為量表」施於台北地區四所大學,得897名學生樣本資料為分析依據。研究結果如下:
一、我國大學生的學業不誠實行為相當普遍,台北地區有70.8%的大學生在一年內至少曾參與一項以上的學業不誠實行為。在違犯頻率最高的前四項行為自陳「做過二、三次」及「做過很多次」以上的人數比例高達 32.2%至50.6%。
英文摘要 The study was to examine college students’ academic dishonesty, its relation to student background variables and time use and quality. Data analyzed was collected with a self-developed questionnaire, which was administered to 897 college students from four universities in the Greater Taipei area. The main findings and conclusions are as follows:
1. Academic dishonesty is widespread. Up to 70.8% of college students in the Greater Taipei area were involved in at least one of the 28 types of academic dishonesty within one academic year. About 32.2% to 50.6% confessed to have cheated “more than once” or “many times” in the top 4 of the 28 offences.
2. Male students, or students at private universities, or in colleges of engineering confessed to cheating more. College students whose academic performance ranked in the bottom fifth in the class tend to commit cheating more frequently.
3. College students with the following ways of using their time tend to cheat more frequently: those who are inattentive in class, who spent less than 5 hours per week on off-class academic activities, who felt their off-class academic activities as unproductive, who spent more than 11 hours per week on part-time jobs, and those work in food service or jobs requiring manual labor.
頁次 149-188
關鍵詞 大學生 學業不誠實行為 作幣 打工 課外做功課的時間 college student academic kishonesty cheating part-time job study hours off-class
卷期 1:1
日期 200612
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會