

篇名 反思「建立现代学校制度」
並列篇名 Some Reflections on
作者 李兴洲
中文摘要 「建立现代学校制度」是我国近一段时间深化教育改革热烈讨论的话题之一。这一问题是如何被提出的?谁在谈论「建立现代学校制度」?如何探究「建立现代学校制度」?这些根本性的问题值得认真反思。当下人们探讨「建立现代学校制度」,受双重动机支配:一是主动与国际教育改革接轨,一是与市场经济体系接轨;而且决策者的主观意志也一定程度地左右着制度建设的方向和内容。实际上,建立现代学校制度,不可忽视现代学校的性质及其发展规律,不可忽视制度设计与运行的性质及其规律。只有充分体现「学校性」和「制度性」特征,现代学校制度建设才能有效。
英文摘要 "The establishment of modern school systems" is one of the recent hot topics concerning deepening educational reform in China. How has the issue been proposed? Who are discussing this issue, and how should this issue be explored? These fundamental questions are worth careful reflection. Nowadays, the discussion of this issue is driven by double motivations, namely, to keep accordance with international education and market economy system; what's more, policy makers' opinions can also influence the direction and content of system establishment to some degree. Actually, the establishment of modern school systems should not neglect the nature and development laws of modern schools as well as those of system design and the establishment of modern school system be more effective.
頁次 51-56
關鍵詞 现代学校制度 教育改革 反思 Modern school systems Educational reform Reflection CSSCI
卷期 3:4
日期 200708
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學