

篇名 自组织的力量:人力资源生长的教育人类学考察
並列篇名 The Power of Self-organization:Educational Anthropology Field Work on Growth of Human Resources
作者 孙杰远
中文摘要 人力资源的生长过程往往是一种个体自组织的适应性演化过程。通过对两个人力资源生长案例的田野考察,描述了作为人力资源的个体自发的、根据特定情景作适应性调整一选择的过程。谕示人自身发展的复杂性和动态性,展现人力资源生长过程中的自组织性、非线性以及生命的灵动与旺盛、现实与超越。提出学校教育应为人力资源生长提供一个有助于系统内部各因素相互作用的空间场域,一种有利于促进人力资源生长的环境。
英文摘要 The growing process of human resources is a process that manifests a type of individual self -organizational adaptation evolvement. With the case studies of two human resource growth investigations, the current paper gives descriptions of the internal spontaneity, the adaptability and the adjustment that individual life impetus may show upon certain particular situational requirements, which may well illustrate the complexity and the dynamics of individual self-development, exhibiting the self-organizationality and non-linearity occurred in the process of human resource growth, as well as the lively reality and surpassity derived from life itself.
頁次 49-54
關鍵詞 教育人类学 自组织 人力资源生长 生境 Educational anthropology Self-organization Human resource growth Habital CSSCI
卷期 3:6
日期 200712
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學