

篇名 我国内地高校推进通识教育发展的瓶颈及对策
並列篇名 The “Bottlenecks” and Measures for Improving General Education in Chinese Universities
作者 冯惠敏
中文摘要 当前我国内地许多高校都在积极推行通识教育,然而很多高校通识教育的实施效果并不乐观。造成这种状况的根本原因何在?如何进一歩推进高校通识教育的发展?这是值得广大教育工作者关注的问题。本文分析了当前我国内地高校推进通识教育发展的瓶颈,即对通识教育的理念缺乏深层次的认识,通识课程质量不高,通识课程师资力量薄弱;提出了改进高校通识教育质量的对策,即进一歩深化对大学通识教育理念的认识,努力提升通识课程质量,加强通识课程师资队伍建设。
英文摘要 Nowadays, a wave of reforms in general education is going across Chinese universities. However, many of such reforming practices are not as ideal as expected. What are the reasons for it?Then how to promote the development of general education further in universities?All these issues deserve our attention. This paper analyzes the main “bottlenecks” of general education development in present Chinese universities, such as a lack of perception of general education, the poor quality of general education courses and a shortage of faculties etc. Based on these analyses, this paper also delivers some measures to improve the quality of general education.
頁次 40-43
關鍵詞 通识教育 瓶颈 对策 General education Bottleneck Measure CSSCI
卷期 5:5
日期 200709
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學