

篇名 經典閱讀與習慣領域的拓展-以哈姆雷特為例
並列篇名 Reading Classic and the Expansion of Habitual Domain-Take Hamlet as an Example
作者 黃美鈴(Huang, Mei-ling)
中文摘要 戲劇往往表現各種不同的人生思維,透過作品的解讀,可以獲致超越時代,屬於永恆的人性掙扎,與信念的追索。「人生如戲,戲如人生」,戲劇取材自人生,特別是經典的戲劇具有洞察人性的普遍性。偉大的劇作家擁有敏銳的感受力與觀察力,透過作品,表達作者內在的精神世界,傳遞偉大的生命經驗。因此,偉大的作品都有非常深廣的洞察,超出一般人的習慣領域,對讀者帶來深刻的生命感動,讀者的生命深度、廣度、厚度,因而得以拓展,更能理解人生的處境、瞭解宇宙萬物的精微奧妙,得以突破常人的習慣領域。本文將以哈姆雷特為例,分析王子的困境與內在心理掙扎,呈現哈姆雷特內心的豐富性、深邃性和神秘性。並嘗試從習慣領域的角度,解析其思惟與行為,以說明為何經典作品可以萬古常新。讀者與偉大的經典相遇,人的潛在領域被開拓,往更細膩、更寬廣、更深邃的境地邁進,自我舊的習慣領域被突破,在與偉大心靈交會的同時,如同找到生命的纜繩,讓自己也可以接近生命的偉大,也逐步邁向理想的習慣領域。
英文摘要 Dramas always perform various thoughts of human life. Through interpretation of works, people can realize permanent struggles of humanity as well as the pursuit of faith. It goes that "Life is like a dram, as drama like life." Dramas obtain materials from human life, especially those classical ones which have insight into the universality of humanity. Great dramatists have keen feeling and observation. They express their inherent spirit and their great living experiences through their works. Therefore, all great works have wide and deep perspicacity which is beyond general people's habitual domain. This makes readers profoundly moved toward life, and expands the depth and width of readers' life. Thus readers comprehend more about the situation of life and the secret of all things on earth, so they can break through the normal habitual domain. This essay takes Hamlet as an example, representing the abundance, depth and mysteries in Hamlet's heart by analyzing his dilemmas and mental struggles. Still, this essay also analyzes the prince's thoughts and behaviors through the aspect of habitual domain to interpret the reason why classic can be permanently new. Meeting with great classic, readers' potential domain is expanded toward a situation which is wider, deeper and minuter, and at the same time they can break through their own old habitual domain. While people meet with great minds, they can approach the greatness of life and gradually advance themselves on ideal habitual domain.
頁次 105-118
關鍵詞 經典閱讀 哈姆雷特 習慣領域 戲劇 Reading classic Hamlet Habitual Domain Drama
卷期 1:1
日期 200911
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會