

篇名 國小普通班重度腦性麻痺學生支持需求之個案研究
並列篇名 A Case Study of Supporting Needs for Student with severe Cerebral Palsy in Inclusive Education in Elementary School
作者 黃瑋苓
中文摘要 本研究以一位就讀於普通班重度腦性麻痺學生為研究對象,採參與觀察、深度訪談、問卷及蒐集相關檔案文件等方式探討其所需的支持服務及滿足個案支持需求的現況。研究的主要結果如下:一、 重度腦性麻痺學生就讀普通班所需的相關支持服務,包括健康與醫療、課業學習、社會適應和家庭四方面。二、 目前學校和教育局在這四方面所提供的支持服務,尚無法完全滿足個案的需求。三、 就讀普通班重度腦性麻痺學生之相關服務現況與需求之間的落差有:專業團隊合作模式未形成、專業團隊的服務未落實、無障礙環境的改善、教學策略調整能力的改善、情緒控制與社交技巧教學的加強及家庭支援服務的提供。最後,根據研究發現提出對特殊教育行政和教學服務,以及對未來相關研究具體的建議。
英文摘要 In this study, the subject was a student with severe cerebral palsy in inclusive education in elementary schools. It employed participant observation, interviews, questionnaires and document analysis to explore the supporting needs and the satisfactory conditions of the supporting services. Following are the major conclusions of this study: 1. A student with severe cerebral palsy in inclusive education in elementary schools needs the necessary related services of rehabilitation therapy, academic learning, social accommodation, and family supporting. 2. Now this student is not satisfied with these supporting services.    3. The difference between present situations and demands have: the improvement of the transdisciplinary team unity way and the service of the trandisciplinary group, the improvement of the non-obstacle environment, improvement of teaching strategies, enhancement teaching of emotional control and social sill, supporting of adaptation sports, supporting and serving of the family. According to t he result s finding, some suggestions for specialeducation administration, educational delivery and further research were offered.
頁次 195-216
關鍵詞 腦性麻痺學生 支持需求 個案研究 Cerebral Palsy Supporting Service Case Study
卷期 14
日期 200506
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系