

篇名 学校在教育结果公平进程中的作用-基于学校对学生成绩影响的视角
並列篇名 Responsibilities of Schools in the Process to Achieve Learning Outcome Equity: A Perspective from the Impacts of schools on Students Outcome
作者 任春荣 、辛涛
中文摘要 学校作为教育教学活动的主要载体,其作用的发挥受多重因素影响,推进教育结果公平应从教育作为社会系统组成部分的角度明确各类机构和组织的职责和分工。学校的生源结构、资源、教育教学过程是构成学校的重要组成部分,在学校资源基本得到保障的前提下,生源结构和教育教学对学生成绩的影响显得更为重要。教育教学是学校可控因素,也是教育结果公平进程中学校的职责所在。对学校来说,生源结构和学校资源更多受外部控制,尤其是生源结构将学校与学生成绩的关系与社会流动机制和社会融合等问题联系了起来。提高社会流动的开放性,提高社会融合程度是实现教育结果公平的基础性工作,但责任在政府而不是学校。
英文摘要 School is the main agent to carry out instruction and its function is under the influence of various factors. We should define the responsibilities of various organizations and agents including schools which compose our social system. Schools are composed of the students' structure, resources, instruction process. School resources are protected in the basic premise, students structures and instruction on student achievement become more important than before. Instruction is a school controllable factors, and it is responsibilities of schools to attain a fair process of education. For schools, the students structures are more subject to external control than school resources, in particularly, students structure of the school make social mobility mechanisms and social integration issues linked up. To increase the openness of social mobility and improve levels of social integration is the key point of the process to achieve equity of education, and this is the duty of the government, not schools.
頁次 030-035
關鍵詞 教育结果公平 学生成绩 学校效能 社会流动机制 社会融合 equity of learning outcome students achievement school effectiveness social mobility mechanism social integration
卷期 8:2
日期 201104
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學