

篇名 技專校院不同認知風格學生擴展習慣領域方法之探究
並列篇名 The Study of Expanding the Habitual Domains about Different Cognitive Styles' Students on Institute of Technology
作者 鄭釗仁(Cheng, Chao-jen) 、林靜瑩(Lin, Jing-ying)
中文摘要 「虛心學習可升高、事物聯想觀參數、改變環境激腦力、以退為進靜祈禱」,隨著習慣領域的推廣,尋求改變人類行為愈來愈被重視,尤其是在擴展習慣領域方法上。本研究旨在分析個人不同認知風格在擴展習慣領域方法的先後順序及分析其重要-表現程度,藉由觀察不同認知風格學生在擴展習慣領域方法的影響,進而更有效地引導學生擴展其習慣領域行為之成長。透過單因子變異數分析發現,不同認知風格的學生,不管對其已具備或是在期望具備習慣領域方法上皆沒有顯著差異存在。研究結果顯示在已具備與期望具備習慣領域方法上,直覺型(I)策略傾向的學生,以「腦力的激盪」、「虛心學習」為最優先;感覺型(F)策略傾向的學生以「虛心學習」為最優先;感知型(S)策略傾向與思考型(T)策略傾向的學生皆以「事物的聯想」為最優先。而四種不同認知風格類型的學生皆以「靜坐禱告」為最殿後。透過重要-表現程度I.P.A.之分析發現,四種不同認知風格類型的學生都表示自己已具備並且希望繼續保持擁的習慣領域項目,前三項分別為(1)虛心學習、(3)事物的聯想、(7)以退為進。在加強改善重點項目方面,直覺型(I)策略傾向與思考型(T)策略傾向的學生期待自己加強改善(5)改變環境的方法;感知型(S)策略傾向與感覺型(F)策略傾向的學生則傾向加強改善(2)升高察思、(6)腦力的激盪的方法。
英文摘要 For expanding your habitual domain, there are eight methods that "Learning Actively", "Taking a Higher Position", "Active Association", "Changing Parameters", "Changing the Environment", "Brainstorming", "Retreat", "Prayer Meditation". To seek a change in human behavior could be more and more attentive with the promotion of habitual domains, especially in the methods of expansion of the habitual domains. This study will get expanding methods of the habitual domains in sequences about different cognitive strategy and discuss the important-the performance of degree by I.P.A. analysis. One-way ANOVA analysis indicates that the students with different cognitive strategy exhibit no significant differences, regardless of they had or expect to have expanding the habitual domains methods. The results showed that Intuitive strategy (I) students, "Brainstorming", "Learning Actively" as the top priority. Sensing strategy (S) students, "Active Association" as the top priority. Thinking strategy (T) students, "Active Association" as the top priority. Feeling strategy (F) students, "Learning Actively" as the top priority. Besides all students, "Prayer Meditation" as the rear on the expanding the habitual domains methods of had or expect to have. I.P.A. analysis indicates that Keep Up the Good Work items is "Learning Actively", "Active Association", "Retreat" for all students. Concentrate Here items is "Changing the Environment" for Intuitive strategy (I) and Thinking strategy (T) students, and "Taking a Higher Position", "Brainstorming" for Sensing strategy (S) and Feeling strategy (F) students.
頁次 079-103
關鍵詞 認知風格 習慣領域 重要-表現程度分析 cognitive style habitual domains I.P.A. analysis
卷期 1:1
日期 200911
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會