

篇名 臺灣視多重障礙學生屈光矯正之現況及成效分析
並列篇名 The Current Status and the Efficacy of Refractive Correction for Students with Visual and Other Impairments
作者 鄭靜瑩(Cheng, Ching-ying) 、張順展(Chang, Shun-chan) 、陳經中(Chen, Ching-chung) 、許淑貞(Hsu, Shu-chen) 、詹益智(Chan, Yi-chih) 、謝錫寶(Hsieh, Hsi-pao) 、賴弘毅(Lai, Hung-yi) 、許明木(Hsu, Ming-mu)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探求視多障學生屈光矯正的現況與成效,研究以臺灣中部一所特殊學校78位視多障學生為研究對象,其中又將78位學生依其能力分為可指認視力表(8位)與無法指認視力表(70位);研究人員利用檢影鏡、眼底鏡、自動驗光儀、低視力視力表與濾鏡片評估組等工具,加上自編之視覺反應量表與成效問卷,一方面用以進行屈光矯正的處方確認,另一方面則為屈光矯正成效問卷調查。研究結果顯示,在78位學生當中,有25位(32.0%)學生在本研究中進行屈光矯正,其中在可指認視力表的8位學生當中,有5位接受本研究之屈光矯正處方,五位學生在處方屈光矯正鏡片前後的LogMAR值,經Wilcoxon檢定結果為Z =-2.290, p=.007;而在無法指認視力表的70位學生當中,有20位接受本研究之屈光矯正處方,計算其「視覺反應觀察量表」前後兩次觀察的得分並進行Wilcoxon檢定,結果為Z =5.029, p < .001,顯示視多重障礙學生在接受屈光矯正後的視力值或視覺反應均達顯著的進步。且在學生進行屈
英文摘要 The purpose of the study was to analyze the condition and the efficiency of refractive correction for students with visual and other impairments. Seventy-eight students from a special school in Taichung took part in the study, and were divided into two groups: (1) those who could and (2) those who could not recognize Low Vision VA charts. Retinoscopy, direct ophthalmoscopy, auto-refractor, low vision charts, trial lenses, and tinted lenses were utilized to evaluate the anatomy diseases, refractive power, and visual acuity. The selfconstructed sheets and questionnaire were also utilized to gather the information about students’ visual responses during assessment. The results indicated that students could make significant progress in visual acuity or visual responses through corrective lenses or
tinted lenses and also improve on eye contact, hand moving, bumping avoidance, learning and living. In addition, more than 70% of students liked the prescription in this study. Suggestions regarding practices and policies were also provided.
頁次 001-022
關鍵詞 視多障學生 屈光矯正 濾光鏡片 視力值 視覺反應 students with visual and other impairments refractive correction tinted lenses visual acuity visual responses
卷期 29
日期 201312
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系