

篇名 國小五年級實施悲劇性童話教學的行動研究
並列篇名 An Action Research of Teaching Tragic Fairy Tales for Fifth Grade in the Elementary School
作者 吳沐馨(Wu,Mu-Hsin) 、楊忠斌(Yang,Chung-Ping) 、林素卿(Lin,Su-Ching)
中文摘要 一般性童話多旨在呈現美好的結局,恐使學生誤以為世界都是美好的。悲劇性童話則呈現悲傷的結局,能使學生體認另一種人生的真相,學習正向的生命觀,因而具有獨特的價值。本文即在以行動研究法探討國小五年級學生悲劇性童話的課程設計、實施歷程與學生的表現情形。研究結果顯示,學生多能全神投入悲劇性童話教學的對話討論,在提升價值兩難的思考能力、深化對生命意義的思考、激發邏輯推理能力等三方面,也有良好的表現。本文最後根據研究結果,提出一些對於未來實施悲劇性童話教學的建議。
英文摘要 Generally, most of fairy tales have happy endings, may mislead students into believing that this is the case in real life. The tragic fairy tale is the other way to represent life through unfortunate endings. This could help students to have a more realistic view and to learn a more positive view about life. Therefore, the tragic fairy tale has great value for education. This study uses method of action research to explore curriculum design and teaching process of tragic fairy tales, and students’ expression on fifth grade of elementary school. As a result, most of students concentrate on dialogue and discussion in teaching of tragic fairy tales. They also have a excellent expression in thinking about problems of value dilemma, meanings of life, and logic inference. Accordingly, this study affords some suggestions for teaching of tragic fairy tales in the future.
頁次 063-084
關鍵詞 悲劇性童話教學 價值兩難 生命意義 邏輯推理 teaching of tragic fairy tales dilemma of value meaning of life logical inference
卷期 25
日期 201406
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所