

篇名 标量计时模型中的神经机制
並列篇名 Neural Mechanism About Scalar Timing Model
作者 伊华站 、黄希庭 、李丹 、张莹
中文摘要 标量计时模型中各阶段的神经机制有重叠也有分离。从当今认知神经科学的研究结果看,与内部时钟有关的结构有小脑、基底神经节、前额皮质、前运动辅助皮质及顶叶下回皮质等;与记忆阶段有关的神经结构有基底神经节、背外侧前额皮质、右侧额下皮质及外侧前运动皮质等;与决策阶段有关的神经结构有背外侧前额皮质、前扣带回、高级颞叶皮质和基底神经节等。文章还从神经机制角度论证了计时的标量特性,讨论了今后研究值得注意的三个问题,即研究结果的确定性、研究手段的局限性以及该模型的适用性。
英文摘要 Scalar timing model(STM)was taken as a framework with analyzing many references about temporal cognition neural mechanism. Taking the reference of the results of present cognitive neuroscience studies, it could be concluded that the neural correlates of internal clock were cerebellum, basal ganglia, prefrontal cortex, presupplementary motor area and inferior parietal lobe, etc.;the neural correlates of duration memory period were basal ganglia, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, right inferior prefrontal cortex and lateral premotor, etc.;the neural correlates of duration comparison period were basal ganglia, anterior cingulated cortex, and superior temporal cortex, etc. In addition, the characteristics of scalar of timing was demonstrated on the view of neural mechanism, and further study about the confirmability of study results, the limits of research methods, and applicability of STM were discussed.
頁次 59-64
關鍵詞 neural mechanism temporal cognition Scalar timing model 神经机制 时间认知 标量计时模型
卷期 16:1
日期 200801
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所