

篇名 交互教學法對國小閱讀理解困難學生教學成效之研究
並列篇名 The Effectivenness of Reciprocal Teaching on students with Reading Comprehension Difficulties
作者 何嘉雯 、李芃娟
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解交互教學法對閱讀理解困難學生閱讀理解能力的影響,研究對象為三名國小四年級閱讀理解困難兒童,以單一受試研究法之跨受試多基線設計進行本研究,研究之主要發現如下:一、交互教學法對國小閱讀理解困難學生之閱讀理解能力具有教學成效與保留效果。二、國小閱讀理解困難學生對「文章中明示的問題」、「文章中隱含的問題及涉入個人經驗的問題」等題型均呈現進步的狀況。三、國小閱讀理解困難學生接受交互教學法,在「中文閱讀理解測驗」之後測表現顯示有進步。四、國小閱讀理解困難學生在提問、摘要、澄清、預測等閱讀理解策略的使用,以摘要、澄清、提問較常使用,預測較少使用。五、交互教學法教學的效果獲得閱讀理解困難學生及班級教師的支持。
英文摘要 The purpose in this study was to examine the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching on students with reading comprehension difficulties. The multiple baseline across-groups design of single-subject research was used in this study. Three fourth grade students with reading comprehension difficulties were chosen as research subjects. Result indicated that: 1Reciprocal teaching could improve and maintained subjects reading comprehension ability. 2Subjects had showen progress in types of textually explicit questions and textually implicit questions and scriptually explicit questions on Reading Comprehension Test. 3There were improvements on subjects reading comprehension ability showen in Chinese Reading Comprehension Test. 4Among the four reading comprehension strategies, subjects tended to use summarizing clarifying and questioning more often than predicting. 5Subjects and teachers confirmed that reciprocal teaching could improve reading comprehension ability.
頁次 101-126
關鍵詞 交互教學法 閱讀理解困難 reciprocal teaching reading comprehension difficulties
卷期 11
日期 2003
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系