

篇名 元认知视角下的阅读策略研究
作者 王雪松
中文摘要 元认知在阅读教学中起着重要的导向与协调作用。本文分别从元认知知识的效用、元认知的监控和元认知之体验三个方面阐述了元认知对阅读理解的影响;探讨了元认知策略在阅读教学中的具体运用。作者提出了元认知意识与策略对学生确立明确的阅读目标,制定符合实际情况的阅读计划有着积极的意义。在阅读教学中,教师应设法引导学生提高元认知意识,帮助他们构建有助于提高阅读理解能力的元认知体系。
英文摘要 Metacognitive knowledge serves as guidance and coordination in teaching college reading. IN this article, the author discusses the influence of Metacognitive knowledge in the reading competence respectively from three aspects:the effectiveness of metacognitive knwoeldge, metacognitive monitoring and metacognitive experience. She explores the specific application of metacognitive strategies and proposes that metacognitive awareness and strategies can help students set up clear reading goals and realistic plans in reading tasks. In teaching reading, teachers not only need to enhance students’ metacognitive awareness but also should help them build their metacogntive system to achieve reading competence.
頁次 116-117
關鍵詞 阅读策略 元认知 元认知监控 元认知知识的效用 Reading strategy Metacognition Metacognitive monitoring Metacognitive knowledge
卷期 411
日期 201002
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部