

篇名 臺灣1991-2011年幼兒教育課程研究的回顧
並列篇名 Reviews of the Curriculum Studies of Early Childhood in Taiwan:1991-2011
作者 許孟勤
中文摘要 本研究試圖分析1991年至2011年之間臺灣幼兒教育課程研究的成果,進而探究幼兒教育課程研究的趨勢。為完成研究旨趣,本研究採取內容分析法,分析國科會專題研究、期刊論文和博碩士論文等三類資料。分析結果顯示:幼教課程研究「範圍」多集中在單一學校層級,研究的課程領域多為未分學科,對新興議題也多所關注,特定學科的研究則以健康體育居多。至於幼教課程研究的「主題」則聚焦在解決課程實務,較欠缺對課程理論的探究,而幼教課程改革實務的特性與中小學有若干不同。研究的「課程類型」多以知覺課程、運作課程和經驗課程為主,偏重教師實際執行課程或探討幼兒學習經驗等層次。課程研究「方法」有走向質性研究的趨勢,採取行動研究的論文也有增加。由分析中得知,近年來臺灣幼教課程研究成果逐漸累積,但在學理建構、學術創新層面,還是有很大的成長空間。因此,本研究進一步提出對臺灣幼教課程研究的建議,期許未來有更豐碩的研究成果。
英文摘要 This research aimed to review and analyze Taiwan’s curriculum studies of early childhood from 1991 to 2011. We used content analysis to analyze and compare papers from National Science project reports, journal articles, master theses, and dissertations. Five dimensions were examined: levels of education, subject areas, research topics, types of curriculum, and research methods of curriculum.The results showed that the early childhood curriculum range was mostly concentrated in a single school, the subject areas of study curriculum were unclassified-disciplines. The research topic emphasis attached to solve the curriculum practice, representing a lack of curriculum theory. Type of curriculum focused to perceived curriculum, operational curriculum and experienced curriculum. Curriculum research methods emphasized on qualitative research and action research.At the end, some suggestions were offered for the future curriculum studies of early childhood education in Taiwan.
頁次 043-064
關鍵詞 幼兒教育 幼兒教育課程 課程研究 early childhood early childhood curriculum curriculum research
卷期 11
日期 201309
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系