

篇名 特殊教育教師的壓力調適與成長團體之研究
並列篇名 Occupational stress coping of special educators and teachers' growth group
作者 黃志雄
中文摘要 特教教師長久以來均獨自面對來自各方面的壓力,普遍缺乏社會支持,高壓力與低支持造成特教教師不斷地流失,也深刻地影響特教教師的教學品質。本研究旨在經由教師成長團體的運作,解決實務上教師工作壓力的問題,提供特教教師因應工作壓力的策略和支持,並透過行動研究的歷程與省思,探討教師成長團體的組織與運作,以及教師成長團體對特教教師壓力調適與支持的影響。本研究以行動研究為主軸,經由規畫、行動、觀察、省思、修改及再行動的動態循環歷程,資料收集採用參與觀察、焦點訪談、檔案資料和研究日誌等多元的方式,並以開放編碼進行資料分析。教師成長團體採「讀書會式」與「心理探索式」並行的方式運作,共計進行了25次的讀書會團體和8次的心理探索團體。研究結果發現:一、「讀書會式」與「心理探索式」並行之教師成長團體的策略,能夠有效地解決特教教師的工作壓力問題。二、教師成長團體對特教教師的影響有:(一)協助特教教師工作壓力的調適。(二)增進特教教師人際關係的拓展。(三)促進特教教師的自我成長與學習。(四)提供特教教師同儕及專業知能上的支持。(五)促進特教教師自我的轉變與期待。三、參與成長團體之教師均對教師成長團體抱持著正向、肯定的態度。四、教師成長團體行動所遭遇的困難包括:團體運作方式的調整、團體的人數太少、學校行政的支持程度太少、成員個人問題的處理方式、以及團體領導風格的省思等。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was through the implement of teachers' growth group to provide the strategies and support to special educator to cope with stress. The action research was to discuss the organization and implement of the teachers' growth group. In the process, it also evaluated the effect on stress coping and support system of special educators for problems solving on occupational stress. This study was based on action research, through the process of active cycle which includes the plan, action, observation, reflection, modification, and re-planning. The data was collected by multiple ways, such as interview, observation, replication form, and daily record. The triangulation was used to help the data analysis and to estimate the effects of the action. The major findings of this study were as following: 1.The parallel teachers' growth group with a study group and psychological activity are practicable to deal with occupation stress of special educators. 2.The effects of teachers' growth group on special educators include  (1)To help special educators to adjust their occupational stress. (2)To improve the relationships of co-workers.(3)To advance themselves to learn and study.(4)To provide the support of co-workers and profession.(5)To improve teachers' self expectation. 3.From the interview, the members' attitude toward the teachers' growth group were positive and supportable.
頁次 121-148
關鍵詞 特殊教育教師 工作壓力 因應策略 教師成長團體 Special educators Occupational stress Coping strategies Teachers' growth group
卷期 13
日期 200412
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系