

篇名 印度促进基础教育公平的措施及其启示
並列篇名 India Equitable Measures to Promote Basic Education Fair and Its Enlightenment
作者 王海林
中文摘要 教育公平是社会公平的基础,基础教育公平是社会公平基础之基础。基础教育的公平历来就是世界各国所共同追求的目标,亦是政府不可推卸的责任。本文选取印度这个和我国同为发展中大国的国家,分别从历史、法律政策、财政拨款等方面梳理其在基础教育公平方面做出的巨大努力,以期为解决我国基础教育公平问题提供借鉴。
英文摘要 Educational equity is the foundation of social justice, basic education is social equality based on a fair basis. Basic education has always been fairly common around the world is the goal and its government cannot shirk responsibility. This paper selects India, and I had both big developing countries, respectively, from its historical, legal policy, financial allocation and so combing their equity in basic education made great efforts to Elementary Education in China expect to achieve further address equity issues provide some aspects of reference.
頁次 110-113
關鍵詞 基础教育 公平 印度 basic education fair India
卷期 8:3
日期 201106
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學