

篇名 道德品格教育融入園本課程之行動研究
並列篇名 An Action Study on the Moral Character Education Integrating into Kindergarten Based Curriculum
作者 黃意舒(Yie-Su Hwang)
中文摘要 本研究以行動研究的方法探究幼兒園中針對園本課程融入幼兒道德品格教育的成果。個案幼兒園的幼兒大多來自忙碌家庭,父母疏於對幼兒示範情意及培育,本研究乃以「家園同心處處溫馨」之園本課程為核心,以校內溫馨的文化氣氛中的道德課程活動,檢驗陶冶幼兒品格的效果。該園由情境設計和人文互動出發,進行道德教育課程,也加強親子互動的分享與溫馨,由幼兒學習活動及親子互動間紀錄幼兒的道德行為及語言,以證實幼兒的道德觀念及道德邏輯得以薰陶幼兒個人的品格,在生活中尊重、關懷、主動及積極。
英文摘要 This action study intended to integrate moral character education into kindergarten-based curriculum. The majority of young children in the subjectkindergarten came from busy families that parents usually neglected their affection attitudes and were easy to model the rude behaviors. The curriculum framework of this kindergarten, "the amiable collaboration among families and school", developed a moral learning program and culture interaction environment that aimed to cultivate children’s moral characters. This study has proved that moral program could help young children learn moral concepts and moral reasoning. This study also proved that children’s characteristics could be improved into better respect, considerate, initiative and enthusiasms affections because of moral concepts and reasoning.
頁次 023-052
關鍵詞 品格 道德 道德能力發展 道德發展 Character Moral Moral competency Moral development
卷期 8
日期 201203
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系