

篇名 父母养育目标的文化差异
並列篇名 Cultural Differences of Parenting Goals
作者 刁钟伟 、郑钢
中文摘要 父母养育目标存在着普遍的文化差异。在理论上,对养育目标文化差异的解释呈现出群体水平至个体水平、从单维到双维的发展趋势。在研究上,除了对文化差异理论的检验之外,养育目标对于各文化群体的养育方式、养育策略,以及子代发展的影响也是研究关注的重点问题。结构化问卷法和开放式列举法是养育目标文化差异研究最常用的两种测量方法,各有其优缺点和适用范围。现有研究存在着过程概括、忽略子女一方的角色和作用等问题,需要将来的研究加以改进和解决。
英文摘要 Cultural differences of parenting goals exist widely. Theories of these differences have been switching from group─level to individual─level, and from uni─dimension. Relating researches have focused on the examination of these theories as well as the effects of parenting goals on parenting styles, parenting strategies and children development of different cultural groups. The two most used measuring methods of parenting goals are structural questionnaire and open─ended listing, which are suitable for different kinds o studies. Researches in the past decades have problems such as over─generalization. Neglect of children’s role and effects, etc., which have to be solved in future researches.
頁次 84-90
關鍵詞 children development parenting behaviors cultural differences parenting goals 儿童发展 养育目标 养育行为 文化差异
卷期 16:1
日期 200801
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所