

篇名 视错觉产生的神经机制
並列篇名 Neural Mechanisms for the Occurrence of Visual Illusions
作者 李小健 、刘东台
中文摘要 传统认知心理学对视觉错觉的解释存在局限性,认知神经科学在移动错觉、轮廓错觉、颜色错觉研究中的一批新发现,可以综合并概括为一种视错觉发生的神经关联重叠机制。该重叠性表现为错觉与相应的真实知觉具有本质上相同的神经活动,即错觉与真实知觉享有共同的神经关联,没有只对错觉反应而不对真实知觉反应的特定神经关联物,而错觉神经活动的特别之处是在真实知觉发生的相同脑区有更强烈的激活。
英文摘要 Traditional cognitive psychology is limited in its ability to explain illusory perception. The research findings of cognitive neuroscience on motion illusions, contour illusions, and color illusions suggest a single mechanism of overlapping neural correlates accounts for the occurrence of visual illusions. The neural activities for illusory perception are intrinsically the same as for accurate perception. Specifically, illusory perception and corresponding accurate perception share the same neural correlates. The occurrence of illusory perceptions needs no special neural correlates. Rather, the neural activity during illusory perception is stronger than that during accurate perception on the shared neural correlates.
頁次 555-561
關鍵詞 cognitive neuroscience neural correlates illusion vision 视觉 认知神经科学 错觉 神经关联
卷期 16:4
日期 200807
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所