

篇名 國中生家庭社經地位、關係攻擊、同儕接納與自然科學習動機之縱貫性研究
並列篇名 A Longitudinal Study of Junior High School Students’ Family Socio-Economic Status, Relational Aggression, Peer Acceptance and Science Learning Motivation
作者 張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang) 、于文灝(Wen-Hao Yu)
中文摘要 本研究探討國中生的家庭社經地位對關係攻擊、同儕接納與自然科學習動機之成 長情形,採用「國民中學學習狀況之追蹤調查」之資料庫,它以臺北市文山區國民中 學2,403 名學生為母群,每學期追蹤調查一次,從國一下至國三下學期(第一波至第五 波),最後有效樣本為401 名。本研究以結構方程模型之潛在成長模式分析,獲得以下 結論:1.國中學生的關係攻擊會隨年級提高而增加,而自然科學習動機卻隨著年級提 高而降低;2.國中學生第一學年的自然科學習動機較高者,後來的自然科學習動機成 長速率較慢;3.國中學生家庭社經地位對於關係攻擊、同儕接納與自然科學習動機在 第一學年有正向影響;4.國中學生在第一學年的關係攻擊程度對自然科學習動機起始 點沒有關聯性,但是對自然科學習動機成長有負面影響;5.國中學生第一學年的同儕 接納程度,以及同儕接納的成長對於自然科學習動機成長都有正面助益。
英文摘要 This study investigated junior high school students’ family socio-economic status and its relation to their relational aggression, peer acceptance, and science learning motivation. The database used in this study was established based on survey studies conducted in junior high schools for five semesters. Questionnaires were distributed to junior high school students five times: in the 2nd semester of the students’ first year of study, and in the two semesters of their second and third year of study. Out of the 2,403 students in Wenshan District of Taipei City, 401 students responded to the questionnaires in all the five semesters. The latent growth model of structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The main findings of this study were as follows. First, relational aggression increases with years of study, but science learning motivation decreases with years of study. Second, students with higher science learning motivation in the first year were found to have a slower increasing rate in science learning motivation in their later years of study. Third, it was found that in the first school year, the parents’ socio-economic status has a positive effect on the students’ relational aggression, peer acceptance, and science learning motivation. Fourth, no correlation was found between the students’ initial relational aggression and science learning motivation; however, the initial relational aggression was found to negatively impact the increase rate of science learning motivation. In addition, both peer acceptance in the first school year and the growth in peer acceptance were found to positively influence the increase in science learning motivation.
頁次 053-080
關鍵詞 同儕接納 家庭社經地位 潛在成長模式 學習動機 關係攻擊 peer acceptance socio-economic status latent growth model learning motivation relational aggression
卷期 28/29
日期 201606
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所