

篇名 Functional Approaches to Translation Teaching and Trainingat Tertiary Level in Chinese Mainland
並列篇名 論大陸高校翻譯教學與培訓的功能途徑
作者 陶友蘭(Tao, You-lan)
中文摘要 在全球化的今天,翻譯的作用越來越重要,越來越專業化,翻譯教育在中國的地位也越來越引起人們的關注。到2007 年止,翻譯作為一個專業在中國大陸院校已經形成了一個完整的體系:本科專業(2006 年中國大陸開始在復旦大學等高等院校正式成立翻譯系),碩士(2003 年上海外國語大學開始招收翻譯學碩士研究生),翻譯碩士專業學位(2007 年全國15 所院校獲准開始招收口筆譯方向的翻譯碩士專業學位學生),博士(2003 年上海外國語大學開始招生翻譯學博士研究生)。如何進行高效地、高質量地培養翻譯人才成為業界的當務之急。因此,翻譯教學和譯員培訓被提上了議事日程。
英文摘要 This study takes functional approaches to translation teaching and training in ChineseMainland. As translation education is getting prosperous in China, translation teachingand training have gained priorities and call for new teaching models in the new century.As Christina Nord has proved that functional approach into translation teaching andtranslator training is very effective, this approach is suggested to be applied into Chinesecontext of translation teaching and training and thus we may figure out a new functionalteaching model in Chinese tertiary institutions: (1) assign realistic translation tasks with atranslation brief in order to motivate students to do active translating; (2) analyze thesource text from top to down: i.e., from pragmatic level, cultural level to linguistic level;(3) introduce a variety of translation strategies, including cultural adaptation, paraphrase,expansion, reduction, modulation, transposition, substitution, loanword, literal translationor even omission. Student translators are encouraged to use their editorial skills, writingskills and knowledge of parallel texts to rewrite the source text in line with theconventions of the target text and expectations of readers; (4) define translation errorsmore globally and evaluate translations more flexibly. The functional appropriateness isconsidered the yardstick to assess translation quality. The real-world criteria should beincorporated within a curriculum for translation teaching and training. Applyingfunctional approach into translation teaching and translator training can assure that thetrainees commit fewer grammatical and pragmatic mistakes and learn more aboutcultures and conventions. Therefore, introducing this approach to translation classroom inChinese mainland will bring us great innovations in translation pedagogy and benefit ourtranslator and interpreter training.
頁次 205-216
關鍵詞 functional approach translation teaching and translators training functional teaching model professional training
卷期 6
日期 201001
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學